Featured image of post A reminder from the President?

A reminder from the President?

President Duterte made comments about the G-d of the Bible which earned the ire of the people. I think he revealed something else.

Featured image of post When is the true new year and day

When is the true new year and day

New Year and new day. When does it really begin? Is it in the dead of winter? At 12:00 midnight? Sunset? Or maybe Spring at dawn? Let's find out!

Featured image of post How we ought to pray

How we ought to pray

A study of the popularly known as The Lord's Prayer reveals how we ought to pray as, instructed by our Messiah himself. Simple yet effective.

Featured image of post The 10th commandment

The 10th commandment

The last but equally important commandment: You shall not covet your neighbor's house, wife, servants, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.