This page gives an overview of what I presently believe in. This serves as my Statement of Faith. I did my best to keep this as short, simple, and straight as possible.
If you are a family, relative, friend, and/or neighbour, and you are shocked about this, feel free to ask me and I will answer your questions to the best of the knowledge our Creator Father 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (YAHUAH/YaHuWaH) has provided.
Abba's (The Father in Heaven) Name is 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (pronounced as yah-hu-ah; transliterated as YAHUAH, YaHuWaH, or YHWH); and the Messiah's Name is 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 (pronunciation: yah-hu-shua; transliteration: Yahushua; also read: Messiah's Name: Yahushua or Yahusha?).
I am not a Sacred Namer.
I believe we should obey the Torah of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (YAHUAH) but reject the additions/traditions of men.
I am not a member of any sect of Judaism.
I believe we should observe and practice the 7 Appointed Times (commonly known as the 7 Feasts) of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (YAHUAH/YaHuWaH).
We should not observe nor participate in any feasts in the Gregorian calendar or those declared by the State/government. These are not in the Scripture and is forbidden.
We should not observe birthdays as this is a self-centric celebration.
We should not observe anniversaries which does not glorify YAH.
I believe that we should observe the true 7th Day Sabbath as revealed and instructed in the Scripture, based on the (DSS) Zadok calendar (herein referred to as the Scriptural Calendar).
I believe in Salvation as taught by Kepha (Peter) in Acts 2:38 and by Sha'ul (Paul) in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. It is only by believing, baptism in water in the name of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 (Yahushua), and receiving the Set-apart Ruah (Holy Spirit), that we are saved.
I fully reject the “once saved, always saved” doctrine.
I believe in Remnant Theology that the “gentiles” were grafted into the Olive Tree of Israel and has become part of and citizen of the Israel of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (YAHUAH/YaHuWaH).
I fully reject the “Replacement Theology” popular within Denominational-Christianity (a.k.a. “Protestant” (protesting against the Vatican yet retaining many of their traditions and dogma), “Born-again”, “Pentecostal”, “Christendom”, “Catholic” (universal faith), and so on).
I am a Hebrew-Israelite Natsari (plural: Natsarim), a HaDerech ([Follower of] The Way), as spoken of by the Prophets and in the Shelihim Writings (a.k.a. New Testament or the Renewed Covenant).
I do not identify with “Denominational-Christianity”. It was:
Founded by those who disagreed with Peter and/or Paul, and/or the Jerusalem Council.
Formalised by Emperor Constantine and the bishops, among others, and solidified during the infamous Council of Nicaea.
I believe the world was divided by Noah between his three sons--Yapheth (Japheth), Shem, and Ham.
Yapheth (Japheth) (“fair”) acquired the modern regions of Central America, North America, Europe, Russia (Asian part not included), and the Western part of Turkey.
Shem (“dusky”/“brown”) inherited what we call today as Asia, the Asian part of Russia, and the Eastern part of Turkey, but not Indonesia.
Ham ("black") was given the lands we call today as Africa, South America, Australia, and Indonesia.
I believe the ancient Israelites were brown people--not black nor white--the first coloru of the human skin which Shem's descendants mostly retained to this day (due to the climate in their inherited lands). However, we must not forget Shemoth (Exodus) 12:38.
I believe that the Filipino people are Hebrews from the line of Yoktan (Joktan)--in particular his youngest sons Sheba, Ophir, Havilah, and [possibly] Yobab--second son of Eber (from whence “Hebrew” came). Yoktan's lineage are also called the “Eastern Hebrews”.
I believe that the majority of the Filipino people are also descendants of the ancient Northern Kingdom of Israel (the so-called “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel”) who mostly migrated in ancient Philippines, then called “Ophir”, and lived amongst their cousins--the Eastern Hebrews. (Some stayed in the area we call today as “Kurdistan”.)
I believe that the tribes of the ancient Southern Kingdom of Israel, also later called as Judea, migrated to Central--and some parts of Southern--Africa in what was then the coast-to-coast Kingdom of Ethiopia. These tribes were specifically targeted in the slave trade and Ham's descendants were largely ignored.
The Scripture is our final and sole authority
Aluahim is ONE. There is NO other besides Him.
The Torah was NOT nailed on the cross
The 7th Day Sabbath is an everlasting covenant. The identity of His true children.
𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (modern Hebrew: יהוה) (YAHUAH/YaHuWaH) never changes and is eternal.
The Great Commission
The Gospel; Keys to Salvation; and Baptism
𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 (modern Hebrew: יהושוע) (Yahushua) is the ONE and ONLY Messiah of Israel and the world
𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 (Yahushua) the Messiah is the final and ultimate Passover Lamb
Read: Yashayahu (Isaiah) 53.
The Renewed/New Covenant in 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 (Yahushua) the Messiah
Gifts of the Set-apart Ruah
Faith without works is dead
The Fruit of the Set-apart Ruah
The assembly, the bride, is a chosen people, a set-apart nation, priests of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (YAHUAH/YaHuWaH) declaring the besorah (message) of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 (Yahushua) to the dark world.
Read: Vayiqra (Leviticus) 23.
Salvation comes by Obeying His Torah and is NOT a one-time seal. We need to be:
Full of love and care for everyone by bringing the Gospel to the world
Clean, inside and out
Mature in Faith
I believe in the Resurrection of those who accepted and followed 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 (Yahushua) and obeyed 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (YAHUAH/YaHuWaH) will receive the reward of eternal life