Still part of our preparation for the Day of Atonement, today we look into the commandments that were written on the second tablet. The first tablet where the first 5 commandments were written, are understood as the commandments that has to do more on the spiritual, while the second is more of the physical.
On this tablet, the 6th commandment is also the first, and it happens to be the “number of man” too. It is simple and straight to the point.
The commandment for today we should meditate is the 5th commandment, that, I am sure, all of us fell short and are guilty of breaking.
As we prepare for the coming of the Day of Atonement, let us medidate and reflect today on the 4th Commandment, to Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it set-apart.
A direct command from our Abba, our only Father, 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (YAHUAH/YAHUWAH), our Aluahim. No man can ever break it.
Today is New Moon Day of the seventh month of the year 6003 s.c. Today is also the Feast of Trumpets or יום תרועה (Yom Teruah). The only feast commanded that falls on New Moon Day.
I love the Cepher of Iyyov (Book of Job) since I was a kid. Every time I read it, there is something new. Something deep. A new eye-opening message. For this post, it was about Job’s complaints.
Job was also the only man who 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (pronounced as “yah-hu-ah”; transliterated as “YAHUAH”, “YaHuWaH”, or “YHWH”) answered directly and literally. If you are not familiar with Job he was the most righteous man who ever lived on earth. Our Creator Father Himself was so proud of Job that He championed him to ha’satan (“the adversary” in English).
We have seen many articles discussing the pronunciation of the name of our Messiah as either “Yahushua” or “Yahusha”. No doubt, some or many of us were already confused to the point that we placed it aside and decided “it does not really matter”.
But let us all be honest. We all want the truth. We are curious about the proper pronunciation of our Messiah’s name. It is only by His name that men can be saved, we heard that a lot, right? Here’s what my study and prayers led me to.
Three very important verses to remind us that we should observe and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot/Succot).
[6001-09-08 Scriptural Calendar]
Whenever I start to think about the future, my future, depression sets in. The sad realities of our society begins to weigh down on me. Low salary, high expenses (and that’s just the basic needs) — house, food, clothing, taxes. You name it.
Living is not easy. It was never easy. Back in the days of the apostles, it was already hard, how much more today and tomorrow? Things are only going to get worse.
The YOOki Chronicles is Yohan Yukiya Sese-Cuneta’s return into casual and personal blogging. The name “YOOki” is a mash-up of the acronym of YourOnly.One and my nickname ᜌᜓᜃᜒ (Yuki・雪矢).
Interestingly, according to Chinese legend,
(YOO) is an ancient Chinese surname. The ancestors of the surname were closely linked with the ancient sage-king named Yu Shun. In Korea, the 유
(YU) lineage traces to the Xia, Han, and Joseon dynasties. Holders of the surname Yu or Yoo had a reputation for charity and diligence
It is also the word for “willow” or the “willow tree” which means graceful or slender; and a tree growing near a body of water which provide continuous nourishment and resources for everyone. It can also mean to exist, an oil (anointment(?)), and simply as “U” (you).
The Hanzi 紀
(ki) character means to record, be disciplined, provide order. While the Hangeul equivalent, 키
(ki), means energy, spirit, a banner, and a period of time; and is also a suffix used to make a gerund or an infinitive.