Today was the Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Release Party for the Philippine Local Community (LoCo). The Filipino Linux and Ubuntu enthusiasts gathered together for three hours and discussed different topics about Ubuntu and Linux!
It was fun and a memorable one for me since this was my first Ubuntu Release Party. I met interesting people, from KDE lovers (I’m a GNOME, yes, a Gnome! :p ) to programmers (developing Ruby-on-Rails applications using Ubuntu not Mac) to writers (we might show up in a major publication, watch out for it).
Of course, the plans for the Philippine LoCo team were also discussed, including the changes in the translation from “Tagalog” to “Filipino” (which is the appropriate one in my opinion). Not to mention h ow much we all hate Microsoft® Windows… okay, just kidding.
There were also off-the-record statements like censored and censored and how this is sooooo that. ;)
Anyway, the next LoCo Release Party will be six months from now, when Ubuntu 9.10 goes live. By then, to all those who weren’t able to join us (especially those who are using Plurk, I’ve been inviting over and over again), please do come next time.
Here are 16 photos I took.
Above images by Yahuhanan Yukiya Sese Cuneta is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 International.
Finally, you are invited to join us in the official forums and online chat #ubuntu-ph
. With that said, good night everyone.
I forgot to mention the two huge pizzas dubbed 64-bit (64 slices) and “Laser Disc” (it’s actually bigger than that).
Thanks to Johann Tagle for sponsoring the event. And thanks to Mr. Chin Wong for the media coverage. A big thanks goes to Dax Solomon Umaming as well for taking the mantle to keep the Philippine LoCo going, of course to all who joined and I met today, thank you.
Blog and Photo Coverage
Dax Solomon Umaming: Ubuntu Philippine Team Release Party
Professor Manalastas: Ubuntu-PH Jaunty Launch Party
Mr. Chin Wong: Linux for Real People
Jay’s Flickr: Philippine Team Jaunty Release Party