I did some study on the “Age of Accountability” and I can say that it depends person to person.
Many in the Christendom claim that it is twelve (12) years old. But nowhere in the Scripture it was specifically mentioned. The claim was the story of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 (pronunciation: yah-hu-shua; transliteration: Yahushua; also read: Why Yahushua?) when He preached in a Synagogue when He was twelve (12). But that’s about it.
Every child reaches their age of accountability differently. The story of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 (pronunciation: yah-hu-shua; transliteration: Yahushua) only tells us that He already had the knowledge at that early age, He reached His earthly/human “age of accountability”.
How many of us today can remember they became a “man” at the age of 12? When can you truly say you knew what you were doing? That you understood completely, beyond doubt, what is right and what is wrong? That you can admit to yourself you are accountable for your actions (and words)? Or you first stopped to think about what you were about to do or say?
Many probably reached that later than 12. A few perhaps even earlier.
Personally, when I tried to recall when I reached my age of accountability, I would say when I turned 15, at most 16. Twelve (12)? I was a happy-go-lucky person who didn’t care about anything! I didn’t stop. I didn’t think.
Which brings me to why I don’t like church guests being “pulled” or “forced” to go to the altar during an altar call. Let them do it themselves. If they’ve truly reach their age of accountability, they are very capable of making a decision for themselves. After all, who are we to force people against their will when the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Himself doesn’t force us? Remember, He gave us free will. Thus, we are in no position to strip others of their free will.
Everything in life is a decision. We make choices every second of our life. That’s what free will is. If you can think of that, then it’s a sure way of knowing you already know what you’re doing, you can be held accountable from then on forward. That’s when you have to make a decision if you will respond to an altar call or not.
Otherwise, don’t. Do not force guests. I’ve seen firsthand what forcing can do to people. They think they’re “saved” just because. The sanctity of the altar call becomes a ritual, a “work”. We were saved by grace through faith. Where’s the faith if people were forced?
And where’s the accountability (knowing good and evil) if the person hasn’t reached that age? 12? It’s not twelve for everyone.
How about those who can never be held accountable? How can they make decisions if they do not understand the concept of accountability for their actions and words? Just because they’re 12 and above they’re automatically accountable regardless if they understand it or not? Think about it.
Same with the Holy Communion. We have been taught we can only take it when we’re 12 because then we reached the age of accountability. Says who? Written by who?
Age of Accountability is on a person-by-person basis. Setting it at twelve was a huge mistake. Because of that, we fail to understand many other things.
People who dies without reaching their age of accountability then becomes clear, they are not under the same rule. So worry not for them because they are with the 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (pronounced as “yah-hu-ah”; transliterated as “YAHUAH”, “YaHuWaH”, or “YHWH”), waiting for you. Worry for yourself instead, you still have to run the race, and it’s not going to be easy. The road to heaven is narrow and full of painful things. The road elsewhere is wide and blissful, easy and comfortable.