«The Law Cafe» episode 4: Child Abuse avatar
Yohan Yuki Xie
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When the place you call home is no longer your safe and happy place but you still hold on to the very definition of home, it is hard to escape from it even though it has become a place of abuse and misery.

Our home should be warm, full of love.

This is the topic of the latest episode of The Law Cafe (법대로 사랑하라).

There are many forms of abuse, most people assume it is physical but it can be emotional, it can be psychological. Parents shouting, for whatever reason, is abuse. Parents fighting at home, shouting at each other, throwing hurtful words, is also abuse.

Kids who are victims of child abuse have never experienced the world outside their families, so they often do not know that they are being abused.

Those who should love them the most are hurting them. Any child would struggle to understand that.

The Law Cafe (법대로 사랑하라): Abused child escaping her biological parents' home.

The Law Cafe (법대로 사랑하라)

Abused child escaping her biological parents’ home.

The work shown above is Copyrighted to KBS.

If a person causes someone who believes in me to sin, even if it is someone who people think is as unimportant as this little child, the Most High will severely punish that person. He will punish that person worse than if someone had thrown him into the sea’s deep waters with a heavy stone tied to his neck!

Matthew 18:6, UST

The Law Cafe (법대로 사랑하라): Abused child desiring the warmth from other homes.

The Law Cafe (법대로 사랑하라)

Abused child desiring the warmth from other homes.

The work shown above is Copyrighted to KBS.

Your family is your home. When that world starts to fall apart, most people think that they have been ruined and are unsalvageable.

But the thing is, your family is only a part of your life. It is not your everything.

There are times when you must seek your own happiness no matter how much you love your family. And at times, you must get away from them to figure out a way.

The Law Cafe (법대로 사랑하라): Abused child returned to her caring foster family.

The Law Cafe (법대로 사랑하라)

Abused child returned to her caring foster family.

The work shown above is Copyrighted to KBS.

This episode is a must watch. It was a heartfelt true-to-life story which hopefully will remind adults to love children.

・ Cover image: The cover image used in this article is Copyrighted to KBS.

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Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢·ᜌᜓᜃᜒIf this is not the end of oblivion, then I shall live everyday as if my life were to end this very day.

The YOOki Chronicles

The YOOki Chronicles is Yohan Yuki Xie’s return into casual and personal blogging. The name “YOOki” is a mash-up of the acronym of YourOnly.One and my nickname ᜌᜓᜃᜒ (Yuki・雪矢).

Interestingly, according to Chinese legend, (YOO) is an ancient Chinese surname. The ancestors of the surname were closely linked with the ancient sage-king named Yu Shun. In Korea, the (YU) lineage traces to the Xia, Han, and Joseon dynasties. Holders of the surname Yu or Yoo had a reputation for charity and diligence.1

It is also the word for “willow” or the “willow tree” which means graceful or slender; and a tree growing near a body of water which provide continuous nourishment and resources for everyone. It can also mean to exist, an oil (anointment(?)), and simply as “U” (you).

The Hanzi (ki) character means to record, be disciplined, provide order. While the Hangeul equivalent, (ki), means energy, spirit, a banner, and a period of time; and is also a suffix used to make a gerund or an infinitive.

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