Society frozen and analysed
Society frozen and analysed
Timeline and watching order for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
A time travel adventure about a divine knife and criminal aliens imprisoned inside humans.
Korean screenwriters have a fascination with time travel for the past five years or so. Korean time travel stories are commonly taken seriously by fans as hard science where time travel mechanics should be explained. Alienoid (외계+인) is a time travel adventure that is easy to follow and is a mix of science fiction and fantasy.
A story of an autistic girl who witnessed a crime and fights to be a witness despite people dismissing her credibility.
It is rare to see a movie or a TV series with a proper portrayal of autism. More often than not an autistic character exist in a story because an autistic trait or quirk is used as a plot device, the autistic character was simply a tool to advance a story. Innocent Witness (증인) is different. It introduces the audience to the world of autistics and exposes the discrimination and prejudices of society, most especially from adults who considers themselves normal
and supposedly know better.
Curious how the American magical community fits in the original Harry Potter storyline?
YourOnly.One Top 10 Movies of 2021
A review of the Korean film, 아가씨 The Handmaiden.
A review of the first-ever Korean space show, 승리호 Space Sweepers.