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A Tragic Love Story Revealed in Surprising K-Drama

Explore the unexpected plot of the «Missing Crown Prince». Focus on the emotional journey of the Queen Dowager's forbidden love, brought to life by veteran and young actors alike.

Yohan Yukiya Sese-Cuneta

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Uncover the hidden gem in a K-drama disguised by its title the Missing Crown Prince. Follow the poignant romance between the Queen Dowager and her secret lover, and see why this series stands out for its unique narrative and captivating acting.


A mistitled drama

Despite its title, the story isn’t about the Missing Crown Prince (Kim Junmyeon). He was missing for just about five episodes.

Main or support characters?

Officially, three young actors are billed as the main characters, but they are actually supporting characters. The true leads are the two actors listed as supporting roles, namely: Myeong Sebin as Taebi Minssi; and Kim Joheon as Choe Sangrok.

A tragic love story

The narrative centres on the tragic romance between the Taebi Minssi and her ex-betrothed turned secret lover, Choe Sangrok. Their relationship drives the emotional core of the series. The love story of I Geon and Choe Myeongyun was straightforward and clearly secondary from the start.


The acting is impressive, particularly from the actual main actors—Myeong Sebin and Kim Joheon—showcasing their veteran skills. The younger actors—Hong Yeji and Kim Junmyeon—also performed well, learning from their senior counterparts and creating great on-screen synergy.


If you catch the early hints that the show isn’t about the Missing Crown Prince, it deserves a perfect 10 stars. This series demands the right mindset to be truly appreciated and rated accurately.

Official trailer

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The work shown above is Copyrighted to MBN Entertainment.

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The work shown above is Copyrighted to MBN Entertainment.

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The work shown above is Copyrighted to MBN Entertainment.

・ Cover image: The cover image used in this article is Copyrighted to MBN Entertainment.

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