

Society frozen and analysed


Revolutionizing Justice: Participatory Verdicts in K-Dramas

Dive into app-based verdicts, discuss implications for justice and society, and share your thoughts on this intriguing concept.

Yohan Yuki Xie

2-Minute Read

Imagine a world where the power to decide a person’s guilt or innocence is no longer solely in the hands of the legal system but is instead placed directly into the hands of the public. This intriguing concept has been brought to life in two captivating K-drama TV series: The Devil Judge (악마판사) and The Killing Vote (국민사형투표). In a unique twist, both shows invite the public to cast their votes on the fate of the accused, evoking a sense of agency and empowerment that resonates deeply with…

«The Law Cafe» episode 4: Child Abuse

Episode 4 of The Law Cafe tackled the seriousness of child abuse experienced by children right from their own homes.

Yohan Yuki Xie

1-Minute Read

When the place you call home is no longer your safe and happy place but you still hold on to the very definition of home, it is hard to escape from it even though it has become a place of abuse and misery.


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