
 ·  ☕ 0 min read  · 
❄️ Yohan Yuki Xie
    Fediverse Follow
    Linklists are back
     ·  ☕ 5 min read  · 
    ❄️ Yohan Yuki Xie
    We are bringing back linklists and blogrolls!

    Lessons learnt from #FacebookDown
     ·  ☕ 6 min read  · 
    ❄️ Yohan Yuki Xie
    What lessons should we learn from the longest downtime of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp?

    How-To create a Keybase account
     ·  ☕ 6 min read  · 
    ❄️ Yohan Yuki Xie
    Creating a Keybase account is simple but there is one step most users are skipping …

    (Updated) Baybayin in Gboard app now available!
     ·  ☕ 2 min read  · 
    ❄️ Yohan Yuki Xie
    The wait was worth it as Google's Gboard team releases Baybayin-Buhid, Baybayin-Hanunoó, Baybayin-Tagalog, and Baybayin-Tagbanwa support!

    Browser wars III: Blink vs Gecko Quantum
     ·  ☕ 6 min read  · 
    ❄️ Yohan Yuki Xie
    Browser wars 3 is not about Chromium and Firefox. The third Browser Wars is about the war between Blink and Gecko Quantum.

    A rare New Year's day blue Moon
     ·  ☕ 2 min read  · 
    ❄️ Yohan Yuki Xie
    An hour and thirteen minutes after Aseans and China welcomes the New Year 2010, we will be treated with a rare New Year's Day Blue Moon. No, Earth's Moon w…